
After being told by an art professor in 1976 that a degree in the studio arts was not something I should consider, I went on to pursue a degree in Psychology. Unable to shake my desire to create, I returned to school for a brief period in 1983, where I studied welding with sculptor Jim O’Hara at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona.
After moving to Sonoma County, CA, in 2010 I was able to reconnect with welding. It was with the help of my kind neighbor, who loaned me his oxy/acetylene tanks and welding equipment, that I got started. He gave me some scrap steel and some pointers to get me on my way. Shortly there after, I connected with Sonoma Sculptor, John O’Hare, who introduced me to MIG welding and served as my mentor.
I enjoy the process of transforming old, discarded metal objects into something new. I do not work from sketches, so decisions I make about a piece are based on what feels right in the moment. Often a piece speaks to what it wants, of how it wants to look. Other times, in the process of play, pieces come together in unexpected ways. Those moments are the best.

schaffnerk [at] mac.com
(707) 494 - 4171